    The Montparnasse Building
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      The Montparnasse Building(also known as the Montparnasse Tower) was built in 1972, with a total of 59 floors and a height of 209 meters. It is the tallest building in downtown Paris except for the Eiffel Tower and the only skyscraper in downtown Paris. On the 56th floor of the building, you can enjoy the panoramic view of Paris and the architecture from the best position! The perfect design of the building gives a panoramic view of Paris. This is the highest and most central point in Paris, facing the Eiffel Tower, making it the perfect location to capture some of the city''s finest views. The 56th floor is specially designed for visitors, rain and wind proof, warm in winter and cool in summer, and visitors can enjoy the best views of Paris through large glass Windows. 360 degree panoramic view of Paris, avenues, rooftops, buildings, parks and the whole of Paris at your feet! One of the fastest elevators in the world takes just 38 seconds to reach the sightseeing floor. The 59th floor is 201 meters above the ground. In clear weather, visibility from the 59th floor viewing platform can reach 40 kilometers.

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  • Functional characteristics
  • When the Montparnasse building was built, it was despised by the citizens, and finally someone proposed to save it as an example of how not to do it. Since then, there are no more tall buildings in the city, but now it is a good choice to overlook the panorama of Paris. In addition to the viewing platform on the top floor, Ciel de Paris restaurant on the 55th floor is a good choice, with coffee around €5 and a good value weekday lunch at €29 per person. Pros: Perfect 180-degree views of Paris without a view of the building itself. Cons: The 180-degree view to the south is mediocre.

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