    Koh Samui
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      Koh Samui is located in the middle of the southern narrow strip of Thailand, which belongs to the Gulf of Thailand. Sumei''s original natural appearance is still well preserved today. The central part of the island is densely forested, which is basically a coconut grove. Sumei is also known as "Coconut Island". Koh Samui is surrounded by numerous islands, many of which are currently uninhabited, but are a paradise for tourists. Koh Samui is a famous honeymoon destination in the world. Here, you can not only feel the warm and romantic natural beauty, but also experience the more avant-garde and rich nightlife. The crazy Full moon party is a popular event for tourists all over the world.

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  • Functional characteristics
  • Another characteristic of Samui is the variety of islands and beaches, some noisy, some quiet, some romantic, some relaxing. It can meet the needs of all kinds of tourists. There are a lot of water activities in Sumei, scuba diving is a must participate in the activities, kayak and motorboat rides are very exciting. When you are tired, go to enjoy the authentic Thai SPA. Finally, dont forget to watch the lovely and clever monkeys picking coconuts and taste the rich fruits of Thailand such as coconut and rambutan.

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